A meeting of Webkassa developers with the Cabinet of Ministers and media representatives was held in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan.

28.01.2019 14:30

On January 28, a meeting of #webkassa developers took place in the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan with the Cabinet of Ministers and media representatives. The founder of the company Evgeny Maximov presented all opportunities of program ... online of KKM which is for 100% the Kazakhstan product. Advantages of our product:
- has all the functions of an online of cash desk;
- does not break and does not require modernization;
- works from any PC, tablet or smartphone.
According to the Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov: "The cash register machines used today with fiscal memory are used in Kazakhstan since 1995 and taking into account the development of technology are technically obsolete. The introduction of new technologies, including the country's transition to the use of online CRM is an integral part of the digitization of tax administrations of the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Council " In addition, according to him, it is planned to develop mobile online CRM, which are application on your smartphone."The introduction of online CMC has already had an effect. So, it was chosen focus group 1,700 business entities who knocked out one check per day or showed every day the same amount of revenue, after sending them a notice, increased revenues in the second quarter by almost 3 times - from 68.4 million tenge to 171.1 million tenge. Additionally to the budget thanks to this initiative, following the results of the second half of the year received more than 895 million tenge ", - concluded the head of the Ministry of Finance. Online CRM records information sales revenue and transfers them to the server of state revenue bodies online.

On March 11, 2019 we started to accept applications and documents from citizens registered in the list of those who need housing from Almaty public housing fund in the category of "large family" for housing through House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC

12.03.2019, 18:11

(hereinafter – JSC "HCSB") on www.baqytty-otbasy.kz (hereinafter - the Portal) as part of "Bakytty otbasy” budgetary housing loans. Applications and documents are sent to www.baqytty-otbasy.kz The portal developer is Samgau, which has a huge successful experience in the implementation of large IT projects. The main objectives of the portal are: ...

· to cut personal visits of the customers to Local Executive bodies;

· to cut the time spent by the customers to submit an application

Documents and applications are accepted from citizens registered in the list of those who need housing from
Almaty public housing fund in the category "large family" that comply with the following requirements:

1. To be in waiting list of Almaty Akimat in the category of "large family”;

2. The Participant and members of his family (spouse, minor children) members permanently living with him/her as well as other family members included in the family and specified in the application have no rental housing with purchasing rights or housing on the right of ownership on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, share in the shared ownership, constituting the common joint (shared) property of other family members specified in this paragraph, as a unit of housing. Persons in need of housing in order to improve housing conditions are not allowed to participate;

3. Absence of facts of deliberate deterioration of housing conditions by the Participant and his family (spouse, minor children) members permanently living with him/her as well as other family members included in the family and specified in the application by an exchange of residence or exclusion of housing belonging to them on the property right during the last 5 years on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

You can also read about it on the news portal zakon.kz

From May 17 to 19, ABC Weekend was held in Nur Sultan, where Samgau representatives acted as a jury and selected the most promising business projects.

17.05.2019, 19:31

ABC Weekend is a three-day event for the selection of projects for the 3rd ABC Business Incubation Program
Приведем немного статистики: ...

· День 1:
60 проектов были приглашены на ABC Weekend

· День 2:
Все команды получили задания о проведении проблемных интервью с потенциальными клиентами Были проведены три консультационные сессии с профильными экспертами, представителями крупных компаний и институтов развития и опытными стартаперами. Всего своим опытом и знаниями поделилось 34 эксперта и опытных предпринимателя.

· День 3:
В итоге, перед жюри выступило 35 проектов. В состав жюри вошли:
Ерлан Ахметов, Исполнительный директор ТОО "Самгау"
Ермек Сулейменов, Советник по коммерческим вопросам "Шелл Казахстан"
Арман Жаманкулов, Руководитель по управлению и разработке активов по СРП по Северному Каспию и СРП по «Жемчужины» "Шелл Казахстан"
Кемель Айтжанов, Со-основатель "Bridge Group"
Ануар Сейфуллин, Директор ABC-I2BF Fund
Бауржан Сулейменов, Венчурный аналитик BeinTech
Болат Султангазин - Директор Бизнес-акселератора Astana Business Campus
Анарбек Утегулов - Директор Бизнес-инкубатора Astana Business Campus

По итогам ABC Weekend 17-19 мая, во 2-й этап ABC Incubation 2019 было отобрано 24 проекта по следующим направлениям:
- ИТ-сервисы - 11 проектов
- Chemical/ Bio - 2 проекта
- Agrotech - 3 проекта
- Edtech - 3 проекта
- Hardware - 4 проекта
- Energy -1 проект

А вот и описание самих проектов:
1. dAIry - Когнитивно-поведенческая терапия через общение с ботом - исскуственным интелектом
2. Өріс - Умные ошейники для мониторинга за состоянием КРС 24/7
3. Замена платины - Замена платины с помощью наноматериалов из генно-модифицированных цианобактерий
4. Agrogel - Производство геля/ водо-абсорбента для освоения засушливых земель
5. Infinite Bilim - Доступное STEM-образование на казахском языке (онлайн платформа)
6. Юридический чат-бот - Чат-бот, предоставляющий юридическую консультацию на основании судебных решений
7. Городская ферма - Производство речного лобстера, рыбы и свежей зелени в городских условиях
8. Astyq - Система по предотвращению кражи зерна в период сбора урожая
9. UniDayCare UniFit - Мобильные приложения, предоставляющие мультипасс - единый абонемент на все занятия в городе на 30 дней
10. AirPay - Сервис по взысканию компенсации от авиакомпаний
11. FinBook.kz - Сервис управленческого учета для малого бизнеса
12. Flick - Месячная подписка на кинотеатры
13. Bhome - Веб-сервис для поиска на карте нужного соседа, оказывающего услуги из сферы Home Business
14. Peer2Peer - Онлайн-платформа для поиска репетиторов/ учеников и проведения онлайн уроков
15. EBM-платформа - Предоставление самой последней и обновленной медицинской терапии в месте оказания медицинской помощи цифровым способом
16. Quat - Производство казахстанских пауер банков “Quat”
17. Eyetool - Онлайн платформа для подбора оправы в режиме live по лучшей цене
18. Животный белок из грибов - Дешевый, равноценный по питательным веществам, здоровый животный протеин грибного происхождения
19. Smart Point - Сервис доставки продуктов питания и товаров первой необходимости на дом
20. Design Studio 361 - Разработка дизайна интерьера с технологией VR для полного трехмерного погружения
21. YearBook - Доступный ИТ-сервис по разработке выпускных альбомов
22. Активная система управления электроснабжением
23. GeoEG - Внедрение геотермальной энергетики на территории Казахстана
24. Inspection Drone - Тех. осмотр электростанций с использованием дронов

Благодарим всех участников и партнеров за участие!

«Smart city» is a new form of interaction between people and city authorities.

06.06.2019, 13:31

For more than a decade, Kazakhstanis have become accustomed to such a communication system: they came to one place and received all the services they needed. Therefore, we had an idea ... to transfer experience of the Central state bodies to local level to give the chance to people not to attend different places for getting seal, but just get everything in one place.
In the summer of this year, a single center will start its work in Nur-Sultan. It combines services of Akim’s office, municipal city services. It is IQala – single city website.
The aim of IQala is to simplify the process of obtaining public services. In the world of high technology there is no need to force people to attend different organizations, for example, for making contract on public services.
More details here: https://elorda.info/ru/interview/view/umnyy-gorod-novyy-format-vzaimodeystviya-ghiteley-i-gorodskih-vlastey

Good day! Great news! The capital’s residents and the city authorities ability to interact with each other is reaching a new level through the iQala project team!

21.08.2019, 15:32

A single center of urban services - IQala started to operate in Nur Sultan. Front office of iQala combined services of administration offices, utilities and municipal ... services, institutions supporting entrepreneurship development. The center operates on one contact principle.
More details here:https://24.kz/ru/tv-projects/gorodskaya-sreda/item/334400-o-rabote-edinogo-tsentra-gorodskikh-uslug-iqala-gorodskaya-sreda

Adaldyq Alany: a new format for the interaction of society and the state in combating corruption

11.11.2019, 15:53

At the recent anti-corruption forum "Adaldyq Alany: a new format for the interaction of society and the state in combating corruption", akim of Almaty, Bakytzhan Sagintayev, in his speech emphasized how rapidly the city is developing and implementing digital projects. ... Projects in the areas of security, housing and communal services, transport, education and healthcare are being implemented within the concept of the Smart City development. Over the past nine months of this year, 95% of public services are provided in electronic form, 80% of all public services are automated. Stable feedback with the residents of the city is ensured due to the work of the Open Almaty portal, said Bakytzhan Sagintayev.
Projects in the areas of security, housing and communal services, transport, education and healthcare are being implemented within the concept of the Smart City development. Over the past nine months of this year, 95% of public services are provided in electronic form, 80% of all public services are automated. Stable feedback with the residents of the city is ensured due to the work of the Open Almaty portal, said Bakytzhan Sagintayev.
The Situational Center (data platform for effective city management), created last year in Almaty, is also developing. 16 city and republican systems are already integrated in it. The system collects data on traffic in the city, daily passenger traffic of public transport, and data on the workload of schools and kindergartens. The analysis of the criminal situation, the monitoring of budget execution is conducting.
As Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted, the level of satisfaction of the city population is the most important indicator of the correctness of the chosen strategy.
Colleagues, all projects are implemented by our employees: Open Almaty portal, the project "Budget of the participation of the city of Almaty", the Situation Center, housing and communal services!
I would also like to note that we are not satisfied with what has already been achieved. Intensive work on maximum digitalization is also to come. More details here:https://www.zakon.kz/4994016-kak-tsifrovizatsiya-gosuslug-v-almaty.html